Category : CNA

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Course Status: Course Price: Free

CNA Module 4: Prevention and Management of Catastrophe and Unusual Occurrences

These modules are free for all our YAYA CNA students. If you are a current YAYA student, please contact us to we can provide you with free access to these courses.

Statement of Purpose: The purpose of this unit is to introduce the student to the concepts and procedures related to the patient’s/resident’s safety including environmental emergency issues The Nurse Assistant ‘s role in creating a safe environment for the patient/resident is discussed.


1. Circulation, Sensation & Movement (CSM)

2. Disaster plan

3. Emergency

4. Emergency codes

5. Escape routes

6. External disaster

7. False imprisonment

8. Fire plan

9. Internal disaster

10. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

11. National Patient Safety Goals

12. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

13. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA)

14. Oxygen (O2)

15. Oxygen precautions

16. Postural supports

17. Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep (PASS)

18. Quality Assurance (QA)

19. Rapid Response Team (RRT)

20. Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish (RACE)

21. Restraints

22. Safety Device Reminders (SDR)

23. Soft protective device

24. STAT

25. Total Quality Improvement (TQI)

26. Workplace violence

Patient, resident, and client are synonymous terms referring to the person receiving care

Performance Standards (Objectives): After completion of one hour of class, plus homework assignments, and one hour of clinical experience the learner will:

1. Define key terminology

2. Explain the role of the Nurse Assistant in emergency, disaster, and fire situations

3. Describe ways the Nurse Assistant can help patients/residents, families, and visitors remain calm in an emergency situation

4. Describe common emergency codes used in facilities

5. Describe general rules for providing a safe environment for the Nurse Assistant

6. Describe general rules for providing a safe environment for the patient/resident

7. Identify two safety issues for the patients/residents and interventions to prevent them

8. Describe major causes of fire and general fire prevention rules

9. List the safety rules to be followed for the patient/resident receiving oxygen therapy

10. Describe the safe application of postural supports and the implication for their use

11. Discuss the legal and psychological implications of the use of postural supports

12. Discuss the overview of bioterrorism

Course Materials