Category : CNA

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Course Status: Course Price: Free

CNA Module 14 Rehabilitative Nursing

These modules are free for all our YAYA CNA students. If you are a current YAYA student, please contact us to we can provide you with free access to these courses.

Statement of Purpose:
The purpose of this unit is to introduce the Nurse Assistant to restorative care. Each individual is entitled to reach his/her optimal
level of functioning. The Nurse Assistant assists the patient/resident in achieving maximum independent living skills through the use of rehabilitative or restorative procedures.


  1. Active-assistive range of motion
  2. Active range of motion
  3. Activities of daily living (ADL)
  4. Adaptive
  5. Airbed (Kinair, Clinitron, Hill-Rom)
  6. Alternating pressure mattress
  7. Ambulation
  8. Atrophy
  9. Bed cradle
  10. Cast
  11. Contractures
  12. Decline
  13. Decubitus
  14. Disability
  15. Egg-crate mattress
  16. Embolism
  17. Eversion
  18. IDT -Interdisciplinary team
  19. Heel/elbow protector
  20. Fleece pad
  21. Flotation pads
  22. Footboard
  23. Hemiplegia
  24. Independence
  25. Inversion
  26. Joint
  27. Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF)
  28. Paralysis
  29. Paraplegia
  30. Pneumonia
  31. Pressure Ulcers
  32. Prosthesis
  33. Quadriplegia
  34. Range of motion (ROM)
  35. Restorative care/rehabilitation
  36. Risk factors
  37. Self-care activities
  38. Stasis pneumonia
  39. Thrombophlebitis
  40. Traction
  41. Trochanter rolls
  42. Turn, cough, deep breathe (TCDB)
  43. Waterbed
  44. Passive range of motion
  45. Phlebitis


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